Casa Aerith Cosplay from Final Fantasy by Anita Wahyusari Purwanto

Aerith Cosplay from Final Fantasy by Anita Wahyusari Purwanto

3月 26th, 2012 by kelvin


Aerith Cosplay from Final Fantasy

CosplayFU Costumer – Anita Wahyusari Purwanto (Australia):

“I have brought three costumes from you i.e. Vanille (Final Fantasy), Yuna Songstress (Final Fantasy), Aerith (Final Fantasy) and I simply love them, I wear the Aerith’s one quite a lot. I have plans to buy Sailor Moon’s costume from you tomorrow and Sailor Saturn’s plus Sailor Saturn’s shoes. I simply love the quality and the design that is placed in the costumes you can see the amount of effort in them.”


P.S.: Sending us your cosplay photos, you will get additional 10% off discount.

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